Saturday, February 5, 2011

The crates finally get their due...

This is a long overdue post, thanks totally to my laziness explained as being too busy to get time to do a spot of writing. Busy doing what, u might want to ask - that's harder to explain than trying to even remember what other things were occupying my attention. Life has this strange way of taking over, nah!

So, yeah, the seasons have changed since the last post and so has our garden drastically. The monsoon finally ended in november and gave way to a nice and cold winter. Just around the time the seasons were changing, we decided to do a face-lift to our garden too. So far our garden had been directly on the floor tiles,  but combined with the extended monsoon this time, it led to increased seepage downstairs in our home. A friend Niranjan came to our rescue when we were wondering what to do. He along with his partner, George had designed a crate from packing wood to be used as a planter. We quickly seized on this opportunity and asked Niranjan if he could design and make many such crates for us as per our requirements. He readily agreed and even offered us the use of one of the crates already lying with him. (pic in the last post). After trying it out for a short while, we could come up with the improvements we would need - like wheels at the base to make the whole thing movable and poles on the sides for creepers to climb on. Soon enough, he had 10 more crates ready and that too a ckd (completely knock down, for those averse to abbreviations) version.

Here are the pics of the assembly team in process:
The 'Bluewiss' DIY manual - really neat stuff
The disassembled crate -this is just the base and the sides
on the width side - the rest is neatly tucked on top of the base

Now u see the sides have gone up becoming a
nice 1.5ft. deep box - the right depth for veggies
Here u see the poles going up

Close-up of the joint-neat hinges and screw-based
stuff - no nasty rusty nails sticking out
3 of the final assembled crates - don't they look cool!
So now it was upto us to do some serious hard work and shift all our beds into the crates - that was really gonna require us to get off our back sides - you'll see how that went! :-)


miloonsaryajani said...

Vanaja, what is the cost like? do you allow the extra water flow out of the crate? I have tried something at home too. so wanted to know more.

Unenlightened First-time Farmers said...

around 1200 each...have detailed how we have filled them in a more recent blog - here's the link:

let us know if something different works for u.